Texas Allergy Center Blog

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  • Summer in Texas is a time for outdoor barbecues, picnics, and enjoying various delicious foods. However, it can also be a challenging season for individuals with food allergies. The heat, combined with the increased consumption of certain allergenic foods, makes it essential to be vigilant.......

  • As the summer sun blazes over Dallas, Texas, temperatures climb, and the heat can become relentless. For many, this is just another part of the North Texas experience, but for those with asthma, the intense heat can present unique challenges. Managing asthma in such conditions......

  • Rain is often a refreshing break from the Dallas, Texas heat, a cleanser of the air, and a nurturer of our environment. However, the arrival of rain can also signal the onset of allergy and asthma symptoms. Understanding how rain impacts these conditions can help......

  • Insects are fascinating creatures but can pose a severe health risk for some. Although less common than other types of allergies, insect allergies can cause severe reactions in susceptible individuals. Understanding these allergies, their triggers, and how to manage and prevent them is crucial for......

  • May is a time for sunny days, warmer weather, trees budding, and flowers blooming. It is also the month to raise awareness about asthma and allergies. Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month is a crucial time to educate, advocate for, and support those affected by these......

  • Spring is a time of renewal, but for many, it also marks the beginning of grass allergies. The lush green lawns and meadows that bloom during this season can trigger sneezing, itching, and other bothersome symptoms in individuals sensitive to grass pollen. Understanding the causes,......

  • Spring and summer bring outdoor events, from music festivals to picnics in the park. As the weather warms up and flowers bloom, many look forward to spending more time outdoors. However, these events can also have some challenges for many allergy sufferers, which may dampen......

  • Whether exploring destinations near or away from home, traveling during springtime can be challenging for those with allergies. ...

  • Spring is a beautiful season marked by blooming flowers, budding trees, and warmer weather. However, for many people, spring also brings seasonal allergies and worsened asthma symptoms. Understanding these conditions and knowing how to manage them can help you enjoy the season to the fullest.......

  • As the winter season lingers in North Texas, so do the effects of mountain cedar, a notorious trigger for allergies in certain regions. Sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes are unpleasant symptoms many people experience during this time. During the winter, the trees release large amounts......

Big Dallas D Magazine Mag Dr. Jane Lee Allergist