Author: admin

Causes of Asthma HereditaryChildren who have one asthmatic parent have a 40% chance of inheriting asthma. Those who have 2 asthmatic parents have a 70% chance of developing asthma.Allergens Age of OnsetAllergens contributeto airway inflammation2-6> 90%6-30> 70%> 3050% Factors that worsen asthma: Allergen exposureInfections (colds/viral infections, bronchitis, sinusitis)Gastro-esophageal reflux...

Inflammation of the airways and spasm of the muscles around the airways (bronchospasm) lead to asthma symptoms: WheezingCoughingShortness of breathChest tightness Many asthmatics experience all of these symptoms whereas others experience only one or two. If inflammation is left untreated, “airway remodeling” or scarring of the airways...

If you have allergies, your body is overreacting to substances occurring naturally in the environment such as tree, weed and grass pollens, molds, dust mites or animal dander. The allergic reaction commonly involves you nose (allergic rhinitis), eyes (allergic conjunctivitis), and/or lungs (asthma). Everyone breathes in...

Pollens and outdoor molds come and go depending on the weather and time of year. Since they are seasonal, it is important to be aware of the allergies you have and the season in which they appear. January:Mountain Cedar*, MoldFebruary:American Elm, Mountain Cedar, MoldMarch:American...

Pollination Seasons in North Texas January:Mountain Cedar*, MoldFebruary:American Elm, Mountain Cedar, MoldMarch:American Elm*, Ash*, Cottonwood, Hackberry*, Mulberry, Oak*, Pecan, Pine, Sycamore, MoldApril:Grass, Ash, Cottonwood, Sycamore, Hackberry*, Mulberry, Pecan*, Pine, MoldMay:Grass*, Hackberry, Oak, Pecan, Pine, Mesquite, MoldJune:Grass*, Mesquite, MoldJuly:Grass, MoldAugust:Grass, Cedar Elm, Weeds, MoldSeptember:Ragweed*, Weeds*, Grass, Cedar...